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Diving - Arciological Diving in Alexandria                        

Welcome to Alexandra Dive
It is not a discovery but it is a forgotten city known to all Alexandranians as it lies under its water , when I was 7 years old ( 40 years ago ) I use to go with my father to swim around quaietbay citadel and in the eastern Harbor of Alexandria and he took me from my hands to dive ( skin dive ) down to 5 to 7m. to touch one of the sphinxes underwater, or columns and to swim between thousands of archeological pieces, the same as my grand father done with my father when he was child. The story started at 1963 when the great Egyptian diver Abo Al Sadat start to put maps and location for the whole underwater city , but because of national finantial problems Egypt was unable to make the necessary to put the international lights and media on our underwater treasures , for this reasons Abo Al Sadat start to contact all international organizations for this purpose. The first to recspond was the French organization during the 80s. where the the funds they got through different international aide they were able to create the big necessary propaganda for our underwater cities.

all other international organizations started to join for more propaganda of different other sites underwater known to the Egyptians.

Cleopatra City Dive Sites


Located outside the harbor at about 500 meters north west the harbor enterance, at 15m. depth with a visibility of 10 to 20m. The bottom composition is rocky and sandy and the aquatic life in this area is rich with Mediterranian fish. Hundreds of Greco-Roman Amphoras, in different colours and shapes, are scattered all around the site, together with an anchor that goes back to Napoleon time ... all in one dive.


Located ouside the Eastern harbor, arround the citadel, at a depth of 8m. with a visibility of 10 to 15m. The bottom composition is rocky and sandy. It contains more than 5000 archeological pieces scattered on an area of 100 x 50m, reflecting how strong were the earthquakes that hit the city of Alexandria and how they destroyed its beauty. The site also contains thousands of colomns, statues and sphinxes (Greek, Roman & pharahonic) all mixed together. There are also parts of the wall that surrounded the city, beautiful pharaonic sculpted press-wine, base of obelisk and parts of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria. 2 dives are recommended to cover this area (even Intro. divers can visit this site).

Located inside the Eastern harbor, at a depth of 5m with a visibility from 5 to 10m. The botom composition is rocky and sandy. In this site you will see the lime stones taht once formed the Summer Palace of Marck Antony. You will also find Amphoras and Colomns together with a Second World War Italian aeroplane that enhances the beauty of the underwater world in Alexandria.


Minotis City

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